Would you pay cybercriminals if they stole your data with a ransomware attack? The majority of business leaders who’ve already been attacked say they would – and we explore why in this week’s Tech Update video....

Microsoft, Apple, and Google have joined forces… to kill the password. Welcome to the passkey, which could make your life so much easier. Here’s how it works...

If you send an email to your team late at night, would they feel compelled to reply? That could be a big productivity killer. Our latest video explains why....

If you have a contact form on your business’s website, you’ll be used to getting emails with a subject line that says "A web form was submitted." There’s a new technique that cyber criminals are employing to launch ransomware attacks. And you need to...

The average office worker sends and receives around 121 emails every day. And while that sounds like a lot, what’s more shocking is that 3 billion phishing emails are sent each day. They account for 1% of all email traffic. What’s a phishing email? It’s...

How to ensure your business’s spend on IT is an investment, and never an expense No matter what kind of business you run, technology sits at the heart of it today. And it’s going to become more and more important in the future. Big business thinkers see...

Big Tech is always looking for ways to make our working lives better. And over the past couple of years, that’s been a real challenge. Amongst all the productivity boosting and communication improving tools, we’ve still struggled with one thing: battery life. There’s always at...